Pet Disaster Preparedness Can Help Ensure Pet Safety

Between 1950 and 2010, almost 2,400 extreme weather events were recorded within 50 miles of San Antonio. While it’s rare to see wildfire or heavy snow here, we endure high winds, thunderstorms, hail, and flooding from year to year.
Ten West Bird & Animal Hospital is here to give you the rundown. Residents must take steps to secure their property and personal welfare from natural disasters. Pet owners have to take extra precautions to guarantee that their pets stay out of harm’s way. Cats, dogs, birds, reptiles, pocket pets, and livestock all reap the benefits associated with a proactive approach to pet safety.
Truly Irreplaceable
Loss of property is truly heartbreaking, but most would likely prefer it to the loss of life. To minimize the impact natural disasters can have on individuals and communities, preparations to ward off injury or separation can be recognized and carried out long before they are actually needed (if ever).
Pet Safety Measures
One of the best assurances during natural disasters and other emergencies is your pet’s microchip. While animals should be brought inside at the first sign of danger, some pets resort to a fight or flight instinct and try to escape threats by running away.
If your pet is ever separated from you during severe weather, they may eventually be picked up and sheltered. Their microchip will be scanned and efforts to reunite you will follow.
While pet microchips are not a replacement for a pet’s collar and ID tags, they can really save the day!
Pet Safety at Home
If you are able to find and keep your pet inside the home during severe weather, be sure that their travel crate, cage or kennel is ready to go in the case of evacuation. This works out very well is your pet is already crate trained.
Keep your pet distracted (as best you can) with play, treats, toys and lots of snuggles and reassurances. Be sure that they are kept in a room with few windows and doors, and calm them down when exhibiting symptoms of stress or anxiety.
Getting Out
If you have to leave your home, please take your pet(s) with you! You may need to build a list of pet-friendly accommodations. Otherwise, please let us know if you need help boarding your pet. Call friends or family members, and look into pet-friendly evacuation centers, too.
Necessary Items for Pet Disaster Preparedness
Always have on hand your pet’s medical records showing proof of vaccinations and parasite prevention. Bring at least a 5-day supply of prescription medications in addition to:
- Pet first aid kit
- Fresh water and enough food for several days (be sure it is unexpired!)
- Bowls
- Disposable litter trays
- Puppy pads
- Creature comforts, like favorite blankets, pillows, toys and treats
- Extra leash and collar
- A spray bottle to moisten bird feathers
- Salt lick
- Chew toys
- Extra cage water bottles
Always On Time
Our veterinarians and staff members are always here to help you at 10 West Bird & Animal Hospital. If you have additional questions or concerns about pet safety and severe weather, please let us know.