Sign of an Ailing Avian: Is My Bird Sick?

Bird ownership is an adventure all its own. From choosing the right species to understanding the unique needs of our feathered friends, Ten West Bird & Animal Hospital is here to guide you on your journey. One of the most common problems that bird owners have is recognizing a sick bird. Catching an ailing avian early, though, is the key to helping them get better quickly. Learn how to tell if your pet bird is sick.
Continue…How to Tell If You Have a Sick Pet Bird

Despite the fact that many birds can talk, they don’t use this amazing skill to tell us when they’re unwell. Instead, you’ll see symptoms affecting the eyes, beak, feather, and behavior. While it’s not always 100% clear to tell, a close look at their appearance can help you determine if you have a sick pet bird on your hands. Because their health is critical to maintain, we are here to help you identify warning signals and offer suggestions to help your ailing avian.